Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Acupuncture Anal Itch

The University Kirchnerism strongly condemns the assassination of the militant Mariano Ferreyra

The University Kirchnerism strongly condemns the assassination of militant
Mariano Ferreyra
From undersigned groups strongly repudiate the killing of militant young 23 year old university was killed yesterday by a bullet in the chest. So we sympathize with his family, friends and colleagues and we will continue fighting as long fight for truth, memory and justice and in defense of the labor movement and student. We believe that these acts of violence serve the interests of the most reactionary and conservative in our country, as was the demise of Comrade
Julio Lopez, who was kidnapped a second time to try to force the Government to halt the trials the soldiers.
This is not a fact that targeted a militant political party or individual but aimed against the organization and mobilization in general. Behind them are hiding them murderers who killed Bear Cisneros, Santillan Kosteki and therefore have been playing the role that the Federal Peronism, Duhalde, Barrionuevo and other representatives of large corporations in the country, industry street gangs and mafia can not be dismissed.
violence benefits only reactionary sectors have been facing the Government. To them we say they will not win: we respond to violence with more organization, more fighting, more movement and more popular field unit and workers.

Justice Mariano Ferreyra!
Judgement and Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds!

General Secretariat of the FUBA
Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Youth Federation - The Campora University - University Movement Evita - The Vallese / Group Americas - The Simón Rodríguez (edge) - Students x Psycho - The Santiago Pampillón (Social) - People Power Cooke (social) - Formula (Pharmacy) - Formula (Medicine) - The Mariano Moreno (Law) - The Rim - Association of teachers and graduates May 25 - Grouping March 8 (Workers UBA) - JP Descamisados \u200b\u200bUniversity Front - Cause Student (Economics) - University Front Megafón - current Peronist University - The Mandrake

How Many Calories In Halal Cart Food

so everyone can take over what belongs

A Social community

Let everyone take care of what belongs

A few days of completion of making the Faculty of Social Sciences, with a final violent and abrupt, we need to approach what they were and what they left the seven-week conflict.
First, as we stated from the beginning of the shot, repudiate the method chosen as a measure of strength. We believe that the classroom is not emptying the best way they should defend the public and free university, much less damaging the entire social community with the aim focused on conflict and nationalized by the national government to a situation that, as required by the statute of the UBA, we must resolve to Rector, since University is self-sufficient and autonomous .
We wonder what kind of frank discussion can occur in an area where, to petition and get achievements, we must marginalize over 80% of the students. Clearly, if control measures and discussion had taken place in a context of classrooms filled, the results would have been much more interesting. We do not believe in enlightened vanguard will lead us to great victories, but we defend a student movement active and engaged every day with their peers, with the aim of working for the faculty and from faculty. Our duty as social scientists is to engage strongly with what happens in our society and with all those policies that tend to generate greater social justice and equality.
events that happened during these days were presented as great victories. But they are not. Believe that a ministry was making what "ripped" $ 20 million for the work with the firm that commits the government to tender from January 1, 2011. But are not these funds that are set forth in the Budget Bill for 2011 that is being addressed in the Congress of the Nation?
This first lie we add so many groups we were reporting. Guarantees on construction time and resources to building Constitution had to reclaim the rectory. After making the Ministry of Education, representatives of the assembly were to negotiate with radical Hallú and More Vélez to obtain the guarantees (?) The construction of the third the building. Our question is why they waited 45 days to bring the petitions to the rector?
Not only had an epic victory as we are led to believe, but if something was demonstrated during this conflict (and after 8 years of management PO CECS and La Mella) is that these groups do not fall short of the circumstances to lead to social student movement. Take a major milestone in its CV, which is having emptied the Faculty for 45 days with the only objective of generating a political fact allowing them to position themselves in and out of the Faculty. The current management of the Centre knew he would not conduct assembly, and never tried to avoid reckless loss of school days. On the contrary, asking ended assistance to management in the negotiations conducted with the Dean Caletti.
All that make up the community of faculty, teachers, graduate students and non-teaching staff, were injured in this conflict. We therefore believe which is the time for each and every student become aware that we must engage with the destinies of our faculty, without converting only a passing, getting a commitment to what is ours and we have defend. This implies that all have to take care of what kind of student center we want for our faculty.
From The Mandrake believe CECS union should be a tool to serve the students, but also a linchpin between knowledge and reality, taking into account the real needs of society, mainly in favor of sectors. Today we, conversely, a center that far to go in that direction is away from all struggles, as demonstrated, for example, rejecting media law or ignore the debate of the proposed distribution of profits made in the House Deputies.

That so many errors to count for something.

Student Center Elections Now!

. Come together the Statute for Student Center, to be a truly democratic and representative tool.

. We are on the modification of the curriculum. To discuss and strengthen the content of our training.

. We are on the construction of a CECS committed to the country, which is a participant in the great public debates and help to deepen a more just and equitable Argentina.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Yamah Phazer Carb Adjustments

academic calendar Rescheduling Exams December

2010 academic calendar Reprogramming

Academic Secretariat reports that it has decided to extend the classes to December 18 of this year and December exams rescheduled from Monday 20 until Tuesday 28 of the month on a single date. At the same time will be granted an extension of the regularities in the number of turns required. This step was taken considering and respecting the details and demands of teaching and learning processes at university level, and anticipating effects and uncoupling serious about that submitted in 2011.

Testing Bureau in December 2010

Students eligible to register and pay review in December 2010 table are only those that occur in regular condition until the first quarter 2010, with the exception of year-or free status.

Those students who obtain their regularity over the second quarter of 2010 will be entitled automatically to perform on the examination table for February 2011. After that date must be entered as is usually done.

source: www.sociales.uba.ar

What Is An Oxygen Blender

Prehospital Course Modification

For reasons outside the organization is suspended during PREHOSPITAL given at the Battalion 121.El same happened on day 9 and 10 November. Already know how to apologize, we hope

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

People In The Military With Eczema

Summer Language Workshop 2011.





ORGANIZATION: This is an intensive course during the months of February and March may continue with any form of workshops attended their usual starting in April.

Early Intermediate


• University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences University Rosario National
• College Translators of the Province of Santa Fe, 1 st District

Friday, October 8, 2010

Leciał Wróbelek Do Ciepłych Krajów

Research Project. (Doctors, 12th and 13th cohort - PF)

invite you to participate in the Research Paper on "Rheumatic Diseases in the Indigenous Peoples."

Registration: Tuesday October 12th instant, until 12 pm in the University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario, that day will be held a briefing on the schedule of the 12 hs.

Location: to be confirmed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Breastfeeding Yout Husband


invite you to attend the "Training Day Approach to Prehospital Management" on 19 and 20 October.


Scene Assessment
. CPR and Basic Maneuvers desobtrucción of Airway (Adult, Child and Infant)

. Primary and Secondary Assessment of the victim

. Removing old

. Immobilization Head and neck cervical collar placement

. Packaged on

long spinal board. Extrication vest and quick extraction technique

victim. Initial Management of Multiple Casualty Incidents

. Silulación in various scenarios


. mode : Theoretical - Practical

. Intended : Area Health staff

. Making Date: Tuesday 19 and Wednesday October 20

. Place : Ex Premises Communications Battalion 121

. snack, dinner and breakfast by

organization. Information and Registration : University Extension Department Monday through Friday from 10 to 14 hours.


bring the participants :

. Comfortable clothes and spare flashlight, Coat, Snack by noon, Cutlery, personal hygiene items.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Watch Nfl Playoff Games In Cairo Egypt

The taking into Social