A Social community
Let everyone take care of what belongs
A few days of completion of making the Faculty of Social Sciences, with a final violent and abrupt, we need to approach what they were and what they left the seven-week conflict.
First, as we stated from the beginning of the shot, repudiate the method chosen as a measure of strength. We believe that the classroom is not emptying the best way they should defend the public and free university, much less damaging the entire social community with the aim focused on conflict and nationalized by the national government to a situation that, as required by the statute of the UBA, we must resolve to Rector, since University is self-sufficient and autonomous .
We wonder what kind of frank discussion can occur in an area where, to petition and get achievements, we must marginalize over 80% of the students. Clearly, if control measures and discussion had taken place in a context of classrooms filled, the results would have been much more interesting. We do not believe in enlightened vanguard will lead us to great victories, but we defend a student movement active and engaged every day with their peers, with the aim of working for the faculty and from faculty. Our duty as social scientists is to engage strongly with what happens in our society and with all those policies that tend to generate greater social justice and equality.
events that happened during these days were presented as great victories. But they are not. Believe that a ministry was making what "ripped" $ 20 million for the work with the firm that commits the government to tender from January 1, 2011. But are not these funds that are set forth in the Budget Bill for 2011 that is being addressed in the Congress of the Nation?
This first lie we add so many groups we were reporting. Guarantees on construction time and resources to building Constitution had to reclaim the rectory. After making the Ministry of Education, representatives of the assembly were to negotiate with radical Hallú and More Vélez to obtain the guarantees (?) The construction of the third the building. Our question is why they waited 45 days to bring the petitions to the rector?
Not only had an epic victory as we are led to believe, but if something was demonstrated during this conflict (and after 8 years of management PO CECS and La Mella) is that these groups do not fall short of the circumstances to lead to social student movement. Take a major milestone in its CV, which is having emptied the Faculty for 45 days with the only objective of generating a political fact allowing them to position themselves in and out of the Faculty. The current management of the Centre knew he would not conduct assembly, and never tried to avoid reckless loss of school days. On the contrary, asking ended assistance to management in the negotiations conducted with the Dean Caletti.
All that make up the community of faculty, teachers, graduate students and non-teaching staff, were injured in this conflict. We therefore believe which is the time for each and every student become aware that we must engage with the destinies of our faculty, without converting only a passing, getting a commitment to what is ours and we have defend. This implies that all have to take care of what kind of student center we want for our faculty.
From The Mandrake believe CECS union should be a tool to serve the students, but also a linchpin between knowledge and reality, taking into account the real needs of society, mainly in favor of sectors. Today we, conversely, a center that far to go in that direction is away from all struggles, as demonstrated, for example, rejecting media law or ignore the debate of the proposed distribution of profits made in the House Deputies.
That so many errors to count for something.
Student Center Elections Now!
. Come together the Statute for Student Center, to be a truly democratic and representative tool.
. We are on the modification of the curriculum. To discuss and strengthen the content of our training.
. We are on the construction of a CECS committed to the country, which is a participant in the great public debates and help to deepen a more just and equitable Argentina.