The Residence Mella and Gaza together against human rights policy of the Government
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Put Subwoofer In Laptop
electoral platform by the National Project. List of 19 Social
We UNIT national and popular field in Social .
All the forces of the Faculty who compose the National Project Social x express and represent the unity of the national field, popular and Latin America. We have been working throughout the year to consolidate a student representative who is strongly committed to the transformation process is experiencing Argentina and Latin America. Our vision common in Argentina that dream, and thus vindicate the model country that has been building since 2003.
believe that there is no place for ideological vagueness or ambiguity. The UBA can no longer be the main bastion of conservative restoration attempt of radicalism and PRO, but neither can be the area of \u200b\u200bspaces with no popular representation, whether by right or left, oppose university engagement of the great transformations that have occurred over the years.
Argentine public universities can not become the subject "counter" as in other Latin American countries (Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia), where the student became one of the main focuses popular opposition to the changes. On the contrary, we have a responsibility to challenge and transform the hegemonic discourses (both in its liberal form of right as in its aesthetic left) to ensure that the university is an engine that will drive and deepen people's struggle.
We are convinced that the country has begun to experience a new story, a product of the creation of millions of jobs, opening of joint and collective bargaining agreements, were added 2 million new retirees, and a law was passed guaranteed increases minimum periodic retirement. We developed a human rights policy that allowed the repeal of the laws of Due Obedience and final point that allowed the opening of the trials of repressors, we performed the renewal of the Supreme Court's Office to ensure the independence of it, the Universal was created by Son benefiting more than 3 million people, enacted the Audiovisual Communication Services to ensure the voices plurarilidad, 1000 schools were built and Education budget increased more than 6% of GDP (in 2003 was 1.2% of GDP) to make public education as a fundamental tool to ensure equal opportunities to all the people of Argentina. In short, we are on a way to make possible each day, building a more just and egalitarian.
From the student movement with strength, intelligence and conviction, we take the battle front against neo-liberal attempt to restore and defend the national project and popular, along with workers and social organizations. We know that this is the way to build the country we always dreamed of, just, free and sovereign.
The university we want for the country we dream
From where we started: 7 years of the same, plus 45 days without classes
In these weeks the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, choose who will carry the mandate of political and trade union representation in the Student Center. These choices express a series of public debates that make practical and political sense of the Centre.
After 7 years of managing the operational and Mella are witnessing a crisis of meaning of CECSO, while these forces have deepened the separation of national public debate of those who make the social community, as does Right in Economics and Law. While the redefinition of politics and the state since the 2001 crisis have returned to society conflict and debate of ideas within the framework of a process of deepening democracy, our faculty is isolated from the deep public debate.
Unfortunately those who make legitimate claims to the demands of the faculty student unions, the building only have been used by the PO and Mella an arbitrary, inefficient and unrepresentative., Introducing longer making the social history as a triumph of public education, when in fact it was an irrational measure that did nothing but cause serious political, institutional and cultural.
The decision was taken forward by a small group of young people compared with 25 thousand social forms. They emptied the power, divided the students and teachers unfairly placed in the dock. It is disappointing that in the context of national and regional political process of intense public debate, the PO and Mella, have decided to restrict the participation of students, at their claims merely corporate.
These events that happened this year - taking the power for 45 days - will inevitably accompany the electoral process and force all political groupings to establish a specific position on the matter. The question no longer is to continue discussing making itself, but now we are faced with the opportunity to discuss the type of school students who want and how we hope to channel and resolve conflicts and demands to have the student movement.
From here, we have actively participated in all meetings for the seizure of power, making clear our position to the methodology of protest, considering it as the product of a shared decision only by the current leadership of central and PO to position themselves politically in the right and out of it. This stance was evident after the uprising, claiming achievements and started describing a political context for the student struggle that is exactly the same scenario we had from day one. Business as usual in college, there is no call to award scholarships in 2011 and the building is built according to the same deadlines set earlier this year, according to which in December will be completed the second stage of the work.
The question is why while we have to fight for every brick of our unique building, the Faculty of Economics in a year had a new building. The disparity between the speed of economic work and slow social single building has only one explanation: the political decision of the rector of the UBA and its management is subject and silence all the sectors that do not share their university project. It is the same that ruled the university sector in the neo 90 'Strip radicals Residence (1983 and Academic Alternative are the expressions of that social space). The same political color is achieved economic management facilities within 12 months. Social poses to the Chancellor a source of questions for privatizing policy of higher education, therefore, not only does not provide the budget, but that slows the process of bidding for our building.
Apparently, for the Rector Hallu, there are faculties of first and second-Powers. The first are those not represent a direct threat to the reproduction of the status quo. The second, are those like Social, whose scientific activity is directly linked to the production of critical knowledge about social and political reality of our country. To Hallu and right sectors who want a university subject to the market, Social uncomfortable so to discipline the budgetary drown. In this context, the continuous efforts of our faculty have failed to live up to the circumstances, and adapt in various ways to this situation of marginalization within the UBA.
why we believe deeply that we must all commit ourselves in the discussion of what Student Center type we want, as we all are benefited or harmed by decisions that are being undertaken. Thus, we aim to build a truly pluralistic and participatory tools, to lead the transformation of the students face. We need to highlight the importance of unity of the national field, and Latin American popular face CECSO elections. Today more than ever necessary to rebuild the academic sense, social, political and cultural life of the Faculty of Social and the first step on this path, is the political unit that achieves the ultimate transformation of our student center.
- Conflict with respect to the unique building:
regard to making the power, we repudiate the method and the lack of strategy chosen as a measure of strength. We believe that the classroom is not emptying the best way they should defend the public and free university, much less damaging to the entire social community with the aim focused on conflict and nationalized by the national government to a situation , as required by the statute of the UBA, we must resolve the Rector, as the university is self-sufficient and independent.
We wonder what kind of frank discussion can occur in an area where, for petition and get achievements, we must marginalize over 80% of the students, and insulting to silence those opposed to the irrationality of the measure. Clearly, if control measures and discussion had taken place in a context of classrooms filled, would have strengthened the claim and would have been possible to obtain results for the whole community. We do not believe in enlightened vanguard will lead us to great victories, but we defend a student movement active and engaged every day with his companions, who have the goal of building a faculty that contains us all.
events that occurred with the lifting of the decision were presented as great victories. But are not. Believe that a ministry was making that "ripped" $ 20 million for the work with the firm that commits the government to tender from January 1, 2011. These funds we have now are the same which are set forth in the Budget Bill for 2011 that is being treated with a strong conservative opposition in the Congress of the Nation. After making the Ministry of Education, representatives of the assembly were to negotiate with radical Hallú and More Vélez to obtain the guarantees on the construction of the third part of the building. Our question is why they waited 45 days to bring the petitions to the rector?.
Not only had an epic victory as we are led to believe, but if something was demonstrated during this conflict (and after 8 years of management PO CECS and Nick) is that these groups are not equal to circumstances to lead the student movement in Social. Take a major milestone in his CV, which is having emptied the Faculty for 45 days with the sole purpose of generating a political event that would allow them in position to the detriment of the needs of the social community.
The current management of the Centre knew he would not conduct the meeting, and never tried to avoid reckless loss of school days. Addition the delay in appointment of teachers, scholarships and payment of payroll for non-teaching staff.
As highlighted in the poster which we granted our position on the outlet, the only truth is the reality, and the building of the Faculty of Social Sciences has been building steadily since 2005, so much so that it ended in 2007 the I stage of the work and the race moved to Constitution of Social Work and in December this year will complete the second stage of the work so the 2011 school year at the new site will find the careers of Science Politics and Social Communication, ending in 2012 the third stage where the races will move Labor Relations and Sociology. The funds for the social construction of the building correspond to the items that the national government will grant to the University of Buenos Aires for infrastructure, which is the largest investment since the construction of University City.
Trade Union Proposals:
- Regulations and legal status for the CECs.
The Social Student Center should be given a status for himself that will enable us to common policies in the short, medium and long term. We believe that the Centre should not be the hunting ground of any party or external political space our faculty, but must become a tool for students for students.
therefore hold that a statute would provide a frame of reference with respect to the obligations and responsibilities that we have the different groups that are part of the Centre and have acquired rights as students in relation to it.
would allow the previous work to seek consensus among all groups, to establish the methods by which conflicts should be resolved inward union and academic faculty to avoid returning to situations like those of a few months ago where we met an assembly "self-summoned" that through endless meetings and motions stop and the power held captive to teachers, students and non-teaching for 45 days. We come from two experiences
failed as they were 5 years of Labor Party and its continuity with the Train-LA Mella, with mediocre efforts at best, away from the students and without clear policies, embodied in the rhetoric and discourse away from the problems that we all live day to day students in our school. In the case of railway policy has been more than faithful copy of the failure of PO who share together in the FUBA.
The much talked about "re-center," delayed two years, and his plan we see the same practices to they claim to oppose. Are neither more nor less, the result of the vices and practices that began and continued Strip Residence PO: rented militants in and out of space management, introducing arbitrarily balances over time and how they decide. And this is a consequence of the lack of a statute that set clear rules for all and prevent a group of silver available for students without any responsibility.
Student Ticket Extension
Notes Cheap and quality
Scholarship high notes and Budget
participatory in June 2011. Advisory
procedures and materials. CECS that function as a bridge between students and authorities of the Faculty and careers in order to channel their queries and provide prompt and efficient responses.
CECS website with real content, that includes and reflects the need of students and that is not the diary of a group, as it is today.
Presentation to National State University Mapping Project that includes mechanisms for lower-income peers who want to go to college have the opportunity.
Working together between CECS and territorial base organizations to promote inclusion in the university sector with fewer resources.
Institutional Proposals:
promote discussion on repeal of the LES and implementation of a new Law on Higher Education.
Institutionalization of University Volunteering in the new LES.
Popular Communication Program: promoting tools that serve to contribute to the implementation of the Law on Audiovisual Communication mandatory interdisciplinary workshops e interclaustros experiences that encourage community media (Radio Chart, World Villa TV, FM Radio Bajo Flores, Radio La Milagrosa of the Occult, etc.) and managed to institutionalize these practices. Promote
discussions toward Curriculum Reform for all races oriented Pedagogical Decolonization: today we know that our faculty racing bit is the thought of national and popular authors, and even subjects such as history see Argentina or Latin American national-popular processes as demagogic populism taken pejoratively. This must change.
Proposals on the Strokes:
Sociology: Fostering a career consultant who own contribution to the analysis of reality
national and local, involved in existing social processes, which also provide experience work for all students who are nearing graduation.
Communication: curriculum reform of the race, in this sense, we propose:
a) binding Media Project Workshop.
b) Incorporation into the curriculum content related to national processes and Latin America.
Political Science: Curriculum Reform in the race include:
a) An inclusive vision of the state and him as the coordinator and guarantor of citizens' rights against the economic power of corporations.
b) Breaking the vision of the political scientist as a neutral political analyst whose supreme value seems to be the positivist neutrality. Instead we seek to vindicate the idea of \u200b\u200ba subject or social scientists with reality and the transformation of its time, with social commitment and solidarity. Besides the inclusion of Argentine and Latin American authors, considering the great problems of our region.
Relations: Promote training courses articulated with social organizations and unions. At the same time consider the working class as a true subject of social and political transformations. Reassemble the research as part of student training, and coordination with state areas, such as the Ministry of Labour, INAES, and others.
Social: Establish lines of work from the CECS with social movements, human rights organizations and minorities, unions, and intellectuals to create spaces for debate, training, exchange and joint action.
Join the elections, your vote can change the Center and its operating logic. Participate but we they are the winners!
change the country, now social change!
23 to November 26.
SOCIAL Rate Mandrake in the National Project. Lista19.
visit our websites:
http://www.twitter. com / @ LaMandragoraUBA
election Social Platform National Project x
All the forces of the Faculty who compose the National Project Social x express and represent the unity of the national field, popular and Latin America. We have been working throughout the year to consolidate a student representative who is strongly committed to the transformation process is experiencing Argentina and Latin America. Our vision common in Argentina that dream, and thus vindicate the model country that has been building since 2003.
believe that there is no place for ideological vagueness or ambiguity. The UBA can no longer be the main bastion of conservative restoration attempt of radicalism and PRO, but neither can be the area of \u200b\u200bspaces with no popular representation, whether by right or left, oppose university engagement of the great transformations that have occurred over the years.
Argentine public universities can not become the subject "counter" as in other Latin American countries (Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia), where the student became one of the main focuses popular opposition to the changes. On the contrary, we have a responsibility to challenge and transform the hegemonic discourses (both in its liberal form of right as in its aesthetic left) to ensure that the university is an engine that will drive and deepen people's struggle.
We are convinced that the country has begun to experience a new story, a product of the creation of millions of jobs, opening of joint and collective bargaining agreements, were added 2 million new retirees, and a law was passed guaranteed increases minimum periodic retirement. We developed a human rights policy that allowed the repeal of the laws of Due Obedience and final point that allowed the opening of the trials of repressors, we performed the renewal of the Supreme Court's Office to ensure the independence of it, the Universal was created by Son benefiting more than 3 million people, enacted the Audiovisual Communication Services to ensure the voices plurarilidad, 1000 schools were built and Education budget increased more than 6% of GDP (in 2003 was 1.2% of GDP) to make public education as a fundamental tool to ensure equal opportunities to all the people of Argentina. In short, we are on a way to make possible each day, building a more just and egalitarian.
From the student movement with strength, intelligence and conviction, we take the battle front against neo-liberal attempt to restore and defend the national project and popular, along with workers and social organizations. We know that this is the way to build the country we always dreamed of, just, free and sovereign.
The university we want for the country we dream
From where we started: 7 years of the same, plus 45 days without classes
In these weeks the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, choose who will carry the mandate of political and trade union representation in the Student Center. These choices express a series of public debates that make practical and political sense of the Centre.
After 7 years of managing the operational and Mella are witnessing a crisis of meaning of CECSO, while these forces have deepened the separation of national public debate of those who make the social community, as does Right in Economics and Law. While the redefinition of politics and the state since the 2001 crisis have returned to society conflict and debate of ideas within the framework of a process of deepening democracy, our faculty is isolated from the deep public debate.
Unfortunately those who make legitimate claims to the demands of the faculty student unions, the building only have been used by the PO and Mella an arbitrary, inefficient and unrepresentative., Introducing longer making the social history as a triumph of public education, when in fact it was an irrational measure that did nothing but cause serious political, institutional and cultural.
The decision was taken forward by a small group of young people compared with 25 thousand social forms. They emptied the power, divided the students and teachers unfairly placed in the dock. It is disappointing that in the context of national and regional political process of intense public debate, the PO and Mella, have decided to restrict the participation of students, at their claims merely corporate.
These events that happened this year - taking the power for 45 days - will inevitably accompany the electoral process and force all political groupings to establish a specific position on the matter. The question no longer is to continue discussing making itself, but now we are faced with the opportunity to discuss the type of school students who want and how we hope to channel and resolve conflicts and demands to have the student movement.
From here, we have actively participated in all meetings for the seizure of power, making clear our position to the methodology of protest, considering it as the product of a shared decision only by the current leadership of central and PO to position themselves politically in the right and out of it. This stance was evident after the uprising, claiming achievements and started describing a political context for the student struggle that is exactly the same scenario we had from day one. Business as usual in college, there is no call to award scholarships in 2011 and the building is built according to the same deadlines set earlier this year, according to which in December will be completed the second stage of the work.
The question is why while we have to fight for every brick of our unique building, the Faculty of Economics in a year had a new building. The disparity between the speed of economic work and slow social single building has only one explanation: the political decision of the rector of the UBA and its management is subject and silence all the sectors that do not share their university project. It is the same that ruled the university sector in the neo 90 'Strip radicals Residence (1983 and Academic Alternative are the expressions of that social space). The same political color is achieved economic management facilities within 12 months. Social poses to the Chancellor a source of questions for privatizing policy of higher education, therefore, not only does not provide the budget, but that slows the process of bidding for our building.
Apparently, for the Rector Hallu, there are faculties of first and second-Powers. The first are those not represent a direct threat to the reproduction of the status quo. The second, are those like Social, whose scientific activity is directly linked to the production of critical knowledge about social and political reality of our country. To Hallu and right sectors who want a university subject to the market, Social uncomfortable so to discipline the budgetary drown. In this context, the continuous efforts of our faculty have failed to live up to the circumstances, and adapt in various ways to this situation of marginalization within the UBA.
why we believe deeply that we must all commit ourselves in the discussion of what Student Center type we want, as we all are benefited or harmed by decisions that are being undertaken. Thus, we aim to build a truly pluralistic and participatory tools, to lead the transformation of the students face. We need to highlight the importance of unity of the national field, and Latin American popular face CECSO elections. Today more than ever necessary to rebuild the academic sense, social, political and cultural life of the Faculty of Social and the first step on this path, is the political unit that achieves the ultimate transformation of our student center.
- Conflict with respect to the unique building:
regard to making the power, we repudiate the method and the lack of strategy chosen as a measure of strength. We believe that the classroom is not emptying the best way they should defend the public and free university, much less damaging to the entire social community with the aim focused on conflict and nationalized by the national government to a situation , as required by the statute of the UBA, we must resolve the Rector, as the university is self-sufficient and independent.
We wonder what kind of frank discussion can occur in an area where, for petition and get achievements, we must marginalize over 80% of the students, and insulting to silence those opposed to the irrationality of the measure. Clearly, if control measures and discussion had taken place in a context of classrooms filled, would have strengthened the claim and would have been possible to obtain results for the whole community. We do not believe in enlightened vanguard will lead us to great victories, but we defend a student movement active and engaged every day with his companions, who have the goal of building a faculty that contains us all.
events that occurred with the lifting of the decision were presented as great victories. But are not. Believe that a ministry was making that "ripped" $ 20 million for the work with the firm that commits the government to tender from January 1, 2011. These funds we have now are the same which are set forth in the Budget Bill for 2011 that is being treated with a strong conservative opposition in the Congress of the Nation. After making the Ministry of Education, representatives of the assembly were to negotiate with radical Hallú and More Vélez to obtain the guarantees on the construction of the third part of the building. Our question is why they waited 45 days to bring the petitions to the rector?.
Not only had an epic victory as we are led to believe, but if something was demonstrated during this conflict (and after 8 years of management PO CECS and Nick) is that these groups are not equal to circumstances to lead the student movement in Social. Take a major milestone in his CV, which is having emptied the Faculty for 45 days with the sole purpose of generating a political event that would allow them in position to the detriment of the needs of the social community.
The current management of the Centre knew he would not conduct the meeting, and never tried to avoid reckless loss of school days. Addition the delay in appointment of teachers, scholarships and payment of payroll for non-teaching staff.
As highlighted in the poster which we granted our position on the outlet, the only truth is the reality, and the building of the Faculty of Social Sciences has been building steadily since 2005, so much so that it ended in 2007 the I stage of the work and the race moved to Constitution of Social Work and in December this year will complete the second stage of the work so the 2011 school year at the new site will find the careers of Science Politics and Social Communication, ending in 2012 the third stage where the races will move Labor Relations and Sociology. The funds for the social construction of the building correspond to the items that the national government will grant to the University of Buenos Aires for infrastructure, which is the largest investment since the construction of University City.
Trade Union Proposals:
- Regulations and legal status for the CECs.
The Social Student Center should be given a status for himself that will enable us to common policies in the short, medium and long term. We believe that the Centre should not be the hunting ground of any party or external political space our faculty, but must become a tool for students for students.
therefore hold that a statute would provide a frame of reference with respect to the obligations and responsibilities that we have the different groups that are part of the Centre and have acquired rights as students in relation to it.
would allow the previous work to seek consensus among all groups, to establish the methods by which conflicts should be resolved inward union and academic faculty to avoid returning to situations like those of a few months ago where we met an assembly "self-summoned" that through endless meetings and motions stop and the power held captive to teachers, students and non-teaching for 45 days. We come from two experiences
failed as they were 5 years of Labor Party and its continuity with the Train-LA Mella, with mediocre efforts at best, away from the students and without clear policies, embodied in the rhetoric and discourse away from the problems that we all live day to day students in our school. In the case of railway policy has been more than faithful copy of the failure of PO who share together in the FUBA.
The much talked about "re-center," delayed two years, and his plan we see the same practices to they claim to oppose. Are neither more nor less, the result of the vices and practices that began and continued Strip Residence PO: rented militants in and out of space management, introducing arbitrarily balances over time and how they decide. And this is a consequence of the lack of a statute that set clear rules for all and prevent a group of silver available for students without any responsibility.
Student Ticket Extension
Notes Cheap and quality
Scholarship high notes and Budget
participatory in June 2011. Advisory
procedures and materials. CECS that function as a bridge between students and authorities of the Faculty and careers in order to channel their queries and provide prompt and efficient responses.
CECS website with real content, that includes and reflects the need of students and that is not the diary of a group, as it is today.
Presentation to National State University Mapping Project that includes mechanisms for lower-income peers who want to go to college have the opportunity.
Working together between CECS and territorial base organizations to promote inclusion in the university sector with fewer resources.
Institutional Proposals:
promote discussion on repeal of the LES and implementation of a new Law on Higher Education.
Institutionalization of University Volunteering in the new LES.
Popular Communication Program: promoting tools that serve to contribute to the implementation of the Law on Audiovisual Communication mandatory interdisciplinary workshops e interclaustros experiences that encourage community media (Radio Chart, World Villa TV, FM Radio Bajo Flores, Radio La Milagrosa of the Occult, etc.) and managed to institutionalize these practices. Promote
discussions toward Curriculum Reform for all races oriented Pedagogical Decolonization: today we know that our faculty racing bit is the thought of national and popular authors, and even subjects such as history see Argentina or Latin American national-popular processes as demagogic populism taken pejoratively. This must change.
Proposals on the Strokes:
Sociology: Fostering a career consultant who own contribution to the analysis of reality
national and local, involved in existing social processes, which also provide experience work for all students who are nearing graduation.
Communication: curriculum reform of the race, in this sense, we propose:
a) binding Media Project Workshop.
b) Incorporation into the curriculum content related to national processes and Latin America.
Political Science: Curriculum Reform in the race include:
a) An inclusive vision of the state and him as the coordinator and guarantor of citizens' rights against the economic power of corporations.
b) Breaking the vision of the political scientist as a neutral political analyst whose supreme value seems to be the positivist neutrality. Instead we seek to vindicate the idea of \u200b\u200ba subject or social scientists with reality and the transformation of its time, with social commitment and solidarity. Besides the inclusion of Argentine and Latin American authors, considering the great problems of our region.
Relations: Promote training courses articulated with social organizations and unions. At the same time consider the working class as a true subject of social and political transformations. Reassemble the research as part of student training, and coordination with state areas, such as the Ministry of Labour, INAES, and others.
Social: Establish lines of work from the CECS with social movements, human rights organizations and minorities, unions, and intellectuals to create spaces for debate, training, exchange and joint action.
Join the elections, your vote can change the Center and its operating logic. Participate but we they are the winners!
change the country, now social change!
23 to November 26.
SOCIAL Rate Mandrake in the National Project. Lista19.
visit our websites:
http://www.twitter. com / @ LaMandragoraUBA
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pinnacle Tvcenter 5 Software
Vote. Do not say I did not warn you.
grew during the 90's with the neoliberal hegemonic discourse from an economic vision that told us that only those that would maximize their opportunities to achieve their goals, the policy only served to make personal business and that militancy was linked to patronage.
since 2003 is giving a recovery of politics as the linchpin of the great national transformations, where the political debate, participation militant and discussions on the role of the state, the big monopolies and the construction of citizenship are under discussion from opposing views.
is in this context that those who have the vocation to express the national project, popular and Latin at the University we are located starting from our nuances, but the protagonists of the country we dream, on the basis of a common project.
is why we need each and every student of Social come to vote from 23 to 26 November to be part of the mass debate that CECS want.
In this line we converge on the National Project Social, where we stand before the historic opportunity to end the Student Center model that worked in the service of the Gaza Residence in the 90 and PO-Mella in the past years.
is why we want a CECS fulfill its function union, protected by a statute that gives predictability, which manages to be a major player and participated in major national debate and that can articulate a project with faculty careers more inclusive and student participation.
The elections will take place from Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 November, 09hs to 21hs, voting in the three locations and the students of CBC on Ramos.
are voting with ID, ID or final book. You can not vote with the transitional book.
The lists presented are:
Schedule 3: "New Socialism." Residence Strip.
List 9: "The Social PRO."
List 10: Call for Reform. ¿?.
List 14: South & Southern Cause.
List 15: "The Take." Prisma.
List 16: "Sum +". Radicals.
List 17: "The Commune". PO and satellites.
List 18: "The Board." The Mella.
List 19: Social for the National Project. " The Mandrake, The Shed, The Cullen, La Campora, MUEvita, CPCooke, current Peronist, the valleys, Megafon, Santiago Pampillon.
List 20: "MST-La Corriente." Soybean.
List 22: Demos.
List 26: "Mate, 18 years asking uncomfortable questions"
visit our websites: @ LaMandragoraUBA
http: / / / socialesxpnac
of Social Voting
not say you did not warn you
"The TV lasts two minutes,
photo journal of the day is old.
important thing is to enter history.
Vos you choose where you want to be. "
since 2003 is giving a recovery of politics as the linchpin of the great national transformations, where the political debate, participation militant and discussions on the role of the state, the big monopolies and the construction of citizenship are under discussion from opposing views.
is in this context that those who have the vocation to express the national project, popular and Latin at the University we are located starting from our nuances, but the protagonists of the country we dream, on the basis of a common project.
is why we need each and every student of Social come to vote from 23 to 26 November to be part of the mass debate that CECS want.
In this line we converge on the National Project Social, where we stand before the historic opportunity to end the Student Center model that worked in the service of the Gaza Residence in the 90 and PO-Mella in the past years.
is why we want a CECS fulfill its function union, protected by a statute that gives predictability, which manages to be a major player and participated in major national debate and that can articulate a project with faculty careers more inclusive and student participation.
What do you choose? Authorities
for the Student Center.
driving and 15 secretaries or FUBA delegationships and delegates.
The elections will take place from Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 November, 09hs to 21hs, voting in the three locations and the students of CBC on Ramos.
are voting with ID, ID or final book. You can not vote with the transitional book.
The lists presented are:
Schedule 3: "New Socialism." Residence Strip.
List 9: "The Social PRO."
List 10: Call for Reform. ¿?.
List 14: South & Southern Cause.
List 15: "The Take." Prisma.
List 16: "Sum +". Radicals.
List 17: "The Commune". PO and satellites.
List 18: "The Board." The Mella.
List 19: Social for the National Project. " The Mandrake, The Shed, The Cullen, La Campora, MUEvita, CPCooke, current Peronist, the valleys, Megafon, Santiago Pampillon.
List 20: "MST-La Corriente." Soybean.
List 22: Demos.
List 26: "Mate, 18 years asking uncomfortable questions"
change the country, now social change!
SOCIAL Rate Mandrake in the National Project. Lista19.
visit our websites: @ LaMandragoraUBA
http: / / / socialesxpnac
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Make A Uhf Transformer
Now we on the Centre for everyone!
we on the Centre for everyone!
national unity of the field, and Latin American popular
We are finishing the year and as always happens in the second quarter, are approaching the elections of the Student Center, Faculty of Social Sciences, which will take place from 23 to 26 November.
events that happened this year - taking the power for 45 days - will inevitably accompany the electoral process and force all political groupings to establish a specific position on the matter. The question no longer is to continue discussing the decision itself, but now we are faced with the opportunity to discuss the type of school students who want and how we hope to channel and resolve conflicts and demands is the student movement.
From The Mandrake, and in conjunction with several groups, have actively participated in all meetings for the seizure of power, making clear our position to the methodology of protest, considering it as the product of a shared decision only by the current leadership of central and PO to position politically to the right and out of it. This stance was evident after the uprising, saying describing achievements and political context for the student struggle started which is exactly the same scenario we had from day one. Business as usual in college, no There is no call to award scholarships in 2011 and the building is built according to the same deadline set for earlier this year, according to which in December will be completed the second stage of the work.
why we believe deeply that we must all commit ourselves in the discussion about what kind of student center we, as we all are benefited or harmed by the measures that are being undertaken. Thus, we aim to build a truly pluralistic and participatory tools, to lead the transformation of the students face.
which is of vital importance to coordination between the different areas of national and popular field and the various progressive forces of the School to build a center that accounts for the true interests of students, both academic and institutional union. A student movement that thinks itself with a subject of transformation of the Faculty, who is not afraid to give up the discussions today are outstanding, thought the role to be fulfilled by the Faculty of Social Sciences within the University of Buenos Aires. We must strengthen academic discussion should provide each of the races, enabling the offer to students internship experience to serve better employability, develop policies aimed at getting more people in college and provide concrete support to those who make countless efforts to continue and finish his college career. We must build a student center inclusive and active.
witnessing a time when there has been a marked appreciation of the policy, and Social Sciences faculty can no longer tied to false dichotomies. We need a profound transformation, and the Student Center is the place we need to carry out speed.
Left "independent" who leads the Center for Social students claimed some flags raised by Chavez, Morales and Correa, but ignore the undeniable efforts of our country, from the work of Nestor Kirchner, the construction of Latin American integration to build the great nation they dreamed San Martín, Bolívar and Artigas. Continue to deny the process and the role that Argentina has had in these developments, in the same way that deny the most far-reaching policies such as the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services, the Universal and child, marriage or the proposed equal distribution of profits we are discussing today.
certainly is time for a new model of Center for Social weary of those who spoke to consolidate and that did nothing but use it as a box to extract resources for their political parties .
. Come together by the Charter for the Student Center, to be a truly democratic and representative tool.
. We by changing the curriculum. For the Student Center is a major player in the discussion and the strengthening of the contents of our training in the various races, giving priority to a comprehensive perspective that includes Argentine and Latin American authors who work issues relevant to the region.
. We the CECS building a commitment to the country, which is a participant in the great public debates and help to deepen a more just and equitable Argentina.
Elections Student Center from 23 to 26 November.
Pokemon Silver Visual Advance Cheat
Socio-Health Survey in the City of Funes
Please note that Registration is open for charging surveys that were conducted in the Partner Survey - Health in the City of Funes.
Information and Registration: Secretariat of University Extension (1st floor)
Hours: 9:30 to 13:30.
Please note that Registration is open for charging surveys that were conducted in the Partner Survey - Health in the City of Funes.
Information and Registration: Secretariat of University Extension (1st floor)
Hours: 9:30 to 13:30.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Example Of A Welcome Christian Letter
Prórroga en la regularidad de las materias
La Secretaría Académica informa que, tal como se había dispuesto y publicado en la web con fecha de 17 de octubre ( ), se ha establecido el corrimiento en las fechas de vencimiento de finales. Cabe resaltar que esta prórroga es automática para todos los alumnos regulares. La Subsecretaría de Sistemas está trabajando para These amendments are posted on the SIU in the coming weeks.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Acupuncture Anal Itch
The University Kirchnerism strongly condemns the assassination of the militant Mariano Ferreyra
From undersigned groups strongly repudiate the killing of militant young 23 year old university was killed yesterday by a bullet in the chest. So we sympathize with his family, friends and colleagues and we will continue fighting as long fight for truth, memory and justice and in defense of the labor movement and student. We believe that these acts of violence serve the interests of the most reactionary and conservative in our country, as was the demise of Comrade
Julio Lopez, who was kidnapped a second time to try to force the Government to halt the trials the soldiers.
This is not a fact that targeted a militant political party or individual but aimed against the organization and mobilization in general. Behind them are hiding them murderers who killed Bear Cisneros, Santillan Kosteki and therefore have been playing the role that the Federal Peronism, Duhalde, Barrionuevo and other representatives of large corporations in the country, industry street gangs and mafia can not be dismissed.
violence benefits only reactionary sectors have been facing the Government. To them we say they will not win: we respond to violence with more organization, more fighting, more movement and more popular field unit and workers.
Justice Mariano Ferreyra!
Judgement and Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds!
Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Youth Federation - The Campora University - University Movement Evita - The Vallese / Group Americas - The Simón Rodríguez (edge) - Students x Psycho - The Santiago Pampillón (Social) - People Power Cooke (social) - Formula (Pharmacy) - Formula (Medicine) - The Mariano Moreno (Law) - The Rim - Association of teachers and graduates May 25 - Grouping March 8 (Workers UBA) - JP Descamisados \u200b\u200bUniversity Front - Cause Student (Economics) - University Front Megafón - current Peronist University - The Mandrake
The University Kirchnerism strongly condemns the assassination of militant
Mariano Ferreyra
Mariano Ferreyra
Julio Lopez, who was kidnapped a second time to try to force the Government to halt the trials the soldiers.
This is not a fact that targeted a militant political party or individual but aimed against the organization and mobilization in general. Behind them are hiding them murderers who killed Bear Cisneros, Santillan Kosteki and therefore have been playing the role that the Federal Peronism, Duhalde, Barrionuevo and other representatives of large corporations in the country, industry street gangs and mafia can not be dismissed.
violence benefits only reactionary sectors have been facing the Government. To them we say they will not win: we respond to violence with more organization, more fighting, more movement and more popular field unit and workers.
Justice Mariano Ferreyra!
Judgement and Punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds!
General Secretariat of the FUBA
How Many Calories In Halal Cart Food
so everyone can take over what belongs
A Social community
Let everyone take care of what belongs
A few days of completion of making the Faculty of Social Sciences, with a final violent and abrupt, we need to approach what they were and what they left the seven-week conflict.
First, as we stated from the beginning of the shot, repudiate the method chosen as a measure of strength. We believe that the classroom is not emptying the best way they should defend the public and free university, much less damaging the entire social community with the aim focused on conflict and nationalized by the national government to a situation that, as required by the statute of the UBA, we must resolve to Rector, since University is self-sufficient and autonomous .
We wonder what kind of frank discussion can occur in an area where, to petition and get achievements, we must marginalize over 80% of the students. Clearly, if control measures and discussion had taken place in a context of classrooms filled, the results would have been much more interesting. We do not believe in enlightened vanguard will lead us to great victories, but we defend a student movement active and engaged every day with their peers, with the aim of working for the faculty and from faculty. Our duty as social scientists is to engage strongly with what happens in our society and with all those policies that tend to generate greater social justice and equality.
events that happened during these days were presented as great victories. But they are not. Believe that a ministry was making what "ripped" $ 20 million for the work with the firm that commits the government to tender from January 1, 2011. But are not these funds that are set forth in the Budget Bill for 2011 that is being addressed in the Congress of the Nation?
This first lie we add so many groups we were reporting. Guarantees on construction time and resources to building Constitution had to reclaim the rectory. After making the Ministry of Education, representatives of the assembly were to negotiate with radical Hallú and More Vélez to obtain the guarantees (?) The construction of the third the building. Our question is why they waited 45 days to bring the petitions to the rector?
Not only had an epic victory as we are led to believe, but if something was demonstrated during this conflict (and after 8 years of management PO CECS and La Mella) is that these groups do not fall short of the circumstances to lead to social student movement. Take a major milestone in its CV, which is having emptied the Faculty for 45 days with the only objective of generating a political fact allowing them to position themselves in and out of the Faculty. The current management of the Centre knew he would not conduct assembly, and never tried to avoid reckless loss of school days. On the contrary, asking ended assistance to management in the negotiations conducted with the Dean Caletti.
All that make up the community of faculty, teachers, graduate students and non-teaching staff, were injured in this conflict. We therefore believe which is the time for each and every student become aware that we must engage with the destinies of our faculty, without converting only a passing, getting a commitment to what is ours and we have defend. This implies that all have to take care of what kind of student center we want for our faculty.
From The Mandrake believe CECS union should be a tool to serve the students, but also a linchpin between knowledge and reality, taking into account the real needs of society, mainly in favor of sectors. Today we, conversely, a center that far to go in that direction is away from all struggles, as demonstrated, for example, rejecting media law or ignore the debate of the proposed distribution of profits made in the House Deputies.
That so many errors to count for something.
Student Center Elections Now!
. Come together the Statute for Student Center, to be a truly democratic and representative tool.
. We are on the modification of the curriculum. To discuss and strengthen the content of our training.
. We are on the construction of a CECS committed to the country, which is a participant in the great public debates and help to deepen a more just and equitable Argentina.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Yamah Phazer Carb Adjustments
academic calendar Rescheduling Exams December
Those students who obtain their regularity over the second quarter of 2010 will be entitled automatically to perform on the examination table for February 2011. After that date must be entered as is usually done.
2010 academic calendar Reprogramming
Academic Secretariat reports that it has decided to extend the classes to December 18 of this year and December exams rescheduled from Monday 20 until Tuesday 28 of the month on a single date. At the same time will be granted an extension of the regularities in the number of turns required. This step was taken considering and respecting the details and demands of teaching and learning processes at university level, and anticipating effects and uncoupling serious about that submitted in 2011.
Testing Bureau in December 2010
Students eligible to register and pay review in December 2010 table are only those that occur in regular condition until the first quarter 2010, with the exception of year-or free status.Those students who obtain their regularity over the second quarter of 2010 will be entitled automatically to perform on the examination table for February 2011. After that date must be entered as is usually done.
What Is An Oxygen Blender
Prehospital Course Modification
For reasons outside the organization is suspended during PREHOSPITAL given at the Battalion 121.El same happened on day 9 and 10 November. Already know how to apologize, we hope
For reasons outside the organization is suspended during PREHOSPITAL given at the Battalion 121.El same happened on day 9 and 10 November. Already know how to apologize, we hope
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
People In The Military With Eczema
Summer Language Workshop 2011.
ORGANIZATION: This is an intensive course during the months of February and March may continue with any form of workshops attended their usual starting in April.
Early Intermediate
• University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences University Rosario National
• College Translators of the Province of Santa Fe, 1 st District
ORGANIZATION: This is an intensive course during the months of February and March may continue with any form of workshops attended their usual starting in April.
Early Intermediate
• University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences University Rosario National
• College Translators of the Province of Santa Fe, 1 st District
Friday, October 8, 2010
Leciał Wróbelek Do Ciepłych Krajów
Research Project. (Doctors, 12th and 13th cohort - PF)
invite you to participate in the Research Paper on "Rheumatic Diseases in the Indigenous Peoples."
Registration: Tuesday October 12th instant, until 12 pm in the University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario, that day will be held a briefing on the schedule of the 12 hs.
Location: to be confirmed.
invite you to participate in the Research Paper on "Rheumatic Diseases in the Indigenous Peoples."
Registration: Tuesday October 12th instant, until 12 pm in the University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario, that day will be held a briefing on the schedule of the 12 hs.
Location: to be confirmed.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Breastfeeding Yout Husband
invite you to attend the "Training Day Approach to Prehospital Management" on 19 and 20 October.
Scene Assessment
. CPR and Basic Maneuvers desobtrucción of Airway (Adult, Child and Infant)
. Primary and Secondary Assessment of the victim
. Removing old
. Immobilization Head and neck cervical collar placement
. Packaged on
long spinal board. Extrication vest and quick extraction technique
victim. Initial Management of Multiple Casualty Incidents
. Silulación in various scenarios
. mode : Theoretical - Practical
. Intended : Area Health staff
. Making Date: Tuesday 19 and Wednesday October 20
. Place : Ex Premises Communications Battalion 121
. snack, dinner and breakfast by
organization. Information and Registration : University Extension Department Monday through Friday from 10 to 14 hours.
bring the participants :
. Comfortable clothes and spare flashlight, Coat, Snack by noon, Cutlery, personal hygiene items.
invite you to attend the "Training Day Approach to Prehospital Management" on 19 and 20 October.
Scene Assessment
. CPR and Basic Maneuvers desobtrucción of Airway (Adult, Child and Infant)
. Primary and Secondary Assessment of the victim
. Removing old
. Immobilization Head and neck cervical collar placement
. Packaged on
long spinal board. Extrication vest and quick extraction technique
victim. Initial Management of Multiple Casualty Incidents
. Silulación in various scenarios
. mode : Theoretical - Practical
. Intended : Area Health staff
. Making Date: Tuesday 19 and Wednesday October 20
. Place : Ex Premises Communications Battalion 121
. snack, dinner and breakfast by
organization. Information and Registration : University Extension Department Monday through Friday from 10 to 14 hours.
bring the participants :
. Comfortable clothes and spare flashlight, Coat, Snack by noon, Cutlery, personal hygiene items.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wholsale Western Silver
Miroli (Drugs dehumanize)
invite you to participate in the chat will be taking place on September 30 of current in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario, which will lecture on Dr. Alfredo Miroli (Specialist in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, State Secretary for Prevention and Care of Addictions - Tucumán, deputy secretary of SEDRONAR). on " Dehumanization of drugs and the effects that cause these patterns of Homo Sapiens conductules." Place
: Multimedia Classroom (1st floor of the Faculty)
Hours : 9:15 pm
certificate of attendance will be given.
invite you to participate in the chat will be taking place on September 30 of current in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario, which will lecture on Dr. Alfredo Miroli (Specialist in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, State Secretary for Prevention and Care of Addictions - Tucumán, deputy secretary of SEDRONAR). on " Dehumanization of drugs and the effects that cause these patterns of Homo Sapiens conductules." Place
: Multimedia Classroom (1st floor of the Faculty)
Hours : 9:15 pm
certificate of attendance will be given.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Amd Athlon X2 1.2 Ghz
Socio-Health Survey in the City of Funes
Please note that on Thursday September 30 date in the schedule of 16 hours in the central arena is going to be carrying out the closure of the activity that took place in the city of Funes, right there delivered the certificates and it is essential to bring a report to deliver the certification without any problem.
For those who want to continue with the next step in the survey, will go through the University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, or send an e-mail:
Please note that on Thursday September 30 date in the schedule of 16 hours in the central arena is going to be carrying out the closure of the activity that took place in the city of Funes, right there delivered the certificates and it is essential to bring a report to deliver the certification without any problem.
For those who want to continue with the next step in the survey, will go through the University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, or send an e-mail:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Waxing Kits Causing Thrush
Socio-Health Survey in the City of Funes
Please note that the last day of the Partner Survey - Health in the City of Funes is going to be developing on Thursday 23 September instant, between the hours of 9-14 pm. Registration
: University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, or via mail:
Please note that the last day of the Partner Survey - Health in the City of Funes is going to be developing on Thursday 23 September instant, between the hours of 9-14 pm. Registration
: University Extension Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, or via mail:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Can I Install Gta Iv On More Than One Pc
Paro Thursday 26 and Friday 27!
Guys, we inform you that the teachers of the UNR launched a new 48-hour strike, again stopping on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 August next week to demand the opening of the joint.
The control plan will include a joint march with the CTA and will continue "until the reopening of the wage table."
We keep in touch with any news! Greetings!
Guys, we inform you that the teachers of the UNR launched a new 48-hour strike, again stopping on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 August next week to demand the opening of the joint.
The control plan will include a joint march with the CTA and will continue "until the reopening of the wage table."
We keep in touch with any news! Greetings!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Inmate Visit Schedule Rikers
Saturday 21: Film-Discussion on Gender. All are invited! They start the interfaculty
On Saturday 21, Film, Gender Debate 17:30 hs. Cultural Center Revolt (between rivers 949) we project the movie "Beautiful" . It's free. All are invited and pass the ball!
Religious Sports Quotes For Coaches
! Hockey tournament! Sports
Girls, how are you? Yesterday Evening was the draw for the tournament Interfacultades of different sports and Hockey Tournament starts this Monday at 18 pm.
Therefore, it is important to send the data they want to participate to complete the return. There are some who already were happening, you need Name, ID and bundles.
any doubt, can go through the table.
can expect all on Monday!
up together for the 17 pm to organizarnos...
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