Defender conquered, FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU NEED
(...) shall necessary to deprive our heads cultural chains for so long, we have gotten. They are stronger, more invisible, more harmful, deeper than the guns, because they often make us see things, not the glass of the country, if not with the glass of the interests of others.
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Argentina is entering a time of strategic definitions Faculty of Social and can not remain neutral or indifferent. In this year's presidential election is defined between continuity National Project and the conservative restoration that ruined the country in the '90s. This is the principal contradiction that today defines the struggle for power in Argentina. If we continued the National Project to further discuss the progress of the conquests of the masses. But if candidates win elections adjustment, we are going back to discuss and organize resistance. The student movement must be aware of the huge difference between fighting on the offensive to improve municipal infrastructure, to achieve a new Higher Education Act and fight on the defensive against budget cuts and tuition.
From Social by the National Project unambiguously define ourselves for a new term of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to ensure the continuity and deepening of the national project initiated in 2003 by Nestor Kirchner. We call on all who share the ideas and achievements of the National Project to mobilize their creativity and
want to participate. We all have to come forward to explain, persuade and convince. We have to fight everywhere and constantly. We can not continue studying our subjects passively until Election Day. The elections were won decisively when the last act of a barrage of popular participation and involvement. We know that in action is hope.
We have to discuss with the new gorilla automatically reject everything that makes the government out of pure reflex. Getting leave an irrational hatred that prevents them from analyzing one by one, the policies of the Government to honestly compare the policies of previous governments. Show that the opposition lacks a plan or can not say publicly. Long would a government if it decided to re-privatize, eliminate the universal allocation, freeze the university budget, halt
Public Works or raised a megadavaluación Is it possible that intelligent citizens and educated, who suffered the negative effects of the neoliberal model, who lose their jobs, they had to lower the shade desu business, they thought of emigrating, which began twenty-first century living from trade, are willing to return to hell just to vote against?
can not avoid the debate of national policy because that is perpetuating the common sense that favors the dominant bloc. There is no neutrality or ideological gaps. Either way, sooner or later, all concessions to the common sense policy options strengthening gorilla reaccionarias.Como end students have to fight from within to open the doors of the University to the People and the National Project. We have to defend the conquered and fight for what is missing. Now or never!
Social x in the National Project
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