Thursday, September 27, 2007

How Can I Cover My Pigmentation With Makeup

De Jesus Rodriguez De Olveda

is outrageous that the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters go through those moments. Victor shared with years of college, those were good times. Capacity is intellectual, moral integrity and his commitment to the academy.

Like Vidal, Gaby, Mario, Efren, Genaro and Alexandra, friends all, I sympathize with my friend Victor and outside my repudiation of a Faculty of Philosophy Lyrics corrupted, where authoritarianism reigns and the academy no longer exists .

Year after year we have seen how far excellent teachers, scholars and researchers recognized for their merits in the national and international level. Many of them emerged from the FFyL (OUR SCHOOL).

All FFyL colleges have suffered the loss of excellent teachers. The case of Victor is not an isolated case, is part of a chain for each day it gets longer and longer and the proximity to today makes us aware.

institutions are currently experiencing a process of change, where old power figures are threatened by the new generations, more prepared and with a greater social commitment. Every injustice happens like that Victor is suffering, affect us all, all academic and cultural community. It is time that the rectory put a stop to these injustices. Let expresnadonos

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What The Best Tv System For A Motorhome

The cause is of all

When I heard what they did to Victor first thing that came to mind was in solidarity with their cause, because it is somehow the cause of all.

Not only is the first time at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León happen this kind of intransigence, the same scene is repeated in other faculties, such as the Performing Arts, where some of his best teachers have dismissed without giving them no thanks: Dardo Aguirre, Marcos Barbosa, to name a few and this when he was director Rogelio Villarreal or at least sent from outside the head in turn, now is secretary of Extension and Culture.

FFyL I did not study in, but I am university alumni and I think, for the sake of our greatest house of studies, we have a duty to put on the table public such irregularities affecting the bulk of the population Monterrey. Quality education should not be subject to administrative or political criteria, but purely academic, unless they want to stifle a decisive role in creating ideas, research and new imaginings.
The current directors of the UANL seem to go against the whole posing education "University", that is, permit the discussion of ideas, require high academic standards and to train researchers.
The University has become the backyard of a powerful mafia which those less interested in quality education. Just one example: The academic program la Fac. de Artes Escénicas da pena, no tiene ni siquiera una sola materia en investigación teatral, no hay investigadores, salvo Elvira Popova. Tampoco hay una cátedra en el área de dramaturgia. El nivel educativo está por los suelos o en debacle, solo basta comparar, (aunque las comparaciones son odiosas) los programas de las Facultades de Teatro de la Universidad de Jalapa y la UNAM, para darnos cuenta.

La universidad no nos está preparando como debería, yo no se si esta incapacidad sea únicamente en el área de humanidades, pero estoy seguro que se debe, entre otras cosas, a los directivos, a su incapacidad, ignorancia o simplemente a sus intereses personales, que ponen por encima de los intereses the same university. Such acts, as perpetrated against Victor Barrera, injured the credibility of our highest seat of learning.

so I agree to talk the decision makers, to clarify their drivel, you are accountable to the community.
Why take the best teachers and researchers seems to be one of the guidelines of the current administration of the UANL?
are dedicated not only to remove from their classrooms to the best academics, but also to downplay the debate of ideas, eg: all book launches University Cultural Center, directed by Rogelio Villarreal at the end of the readings have disappeared by decree the question and answer session, ie, dialogue, exchange of ideas. It seems that University leaders believe only in the unilateral decisions and intransigence. Is questionable, in that I agree with Ephraim, under the Universal Forum of Cultures, regarding the promotion of dialogues, to expose their ineptitude, low sort.

What Is A Mother Verrucas

De Medina Vidal Cantu Gaby Cantu Mario Toscano

A public opinion

students the first semester of Graduate Studies with Specialization in Language and Literature at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León are committed to take three classes this period (August-December). "Theoretical Perspectives literature today is one of them, and was delivered by Dr. Victor Barrera Enderle few days ago. Yes, he spoke of commitment, the student agrees, the teacher is committed, the University is committed or should undertake, to give everything for the student's growth by training that sooner or later bear fruit in society. But the events surrounding the chair of Victor put in evidence that the University, or at least the School of Humanities and their managers, attend "administrative matters" so insistently that they put their first reason: the training of professionals.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Does White Discharge 5 Dpo Mean

Mario Cantú Toscano

As pointed out Genaro Saul Reyes, is a striking coincidence between what happened 10 years ago (what some refer to as "The Duartazo") and the degrading situation suffered by Víctor Barrera Enderle. Ten years ago, when I was fresh out of college, I assumed the quality of the teachers who had taught me: Genaro Saul Reyes, Agustin Garcia Gil, Libertad Gonzalez, Edna Navarro, Irela Garza, Jose Luis Martinez Canizales, Carlos Arredondo and Coral Aguirre.
10 years ago, Erika Angel teacher was giving her class, also in the middle of semester, when the prefect tells in the classroom and the teacher was that he would replace: Rosa Maria Gutierrez (another coincidence), and also told him he was being replaced, but was not advised of the reasons. The dissatisfaction of students and teachers was evident, then there was a crackdown by the director and that became the resignation of teachers and faculty exchange request that made many researchers, most of which are cited by Efren Sandoval.
From there, the Faculty of Arts has been declining academic quality in free fall. Of the teachers that I quoted, now only Coral Aguirre and José Luis Martínez giving undergraduate classes. This would have balanced whether to output them have entered as many of the same quality, which never happened. And only stayed or were invited to teach at those who swore loyalty to the regime, as if it were a dictatorship, the PRI's style of Alfonso Martinez Dominguez, as if the power were a subsidiary of the CTM and the CROC . And then it did not matter (and it seems no matter hour) educational quality and academic merit.
For reasons of "quality" in education, teachers were required to have graduate students. And what did they do? They released their online graduate programs at the University of Zacatecas, que es lo mismo que obtenerlos al abrir una caja de Zucaritas. ¿Éstos son investigadores?
Harían falta páginas y páginas para analizar todos los casos de esa facultad, pero vamos a centrarnos en el de Víctor Barrera.
Víctor Barrera Enderle: Egresado de la licenciatura en Letras Españolas obteniendo el Premio al Saber de la UANL. Maestría y doctorado en Crítica Literaria por la Universidad de Chile. Publicaciones: cuatro libros de ensayos más numerosos artículos en México y Sudamérica. Premio Nacional de Ensayo “Alfonso Reyes”. Jurado de la categoría de ensayo en el Premio Casa de las Américas (Cuba). Director de la revista Armas y Letras, de gran tradición en la university.
is replaced by ...
Rosa Maria Gutierrez: Graduate of a degree in English Literature. Online doctorate at the University of Zacatecas. Publications: An Anthology of "theater of gender" which is never defined what kind, and where also, but two members, the anthology are mediocre and totally unknown playwrights (as well as to explain that she knows they are his friends). Prizes, awards, honors: None.
And last but not least, the substitute teacher is not able to develop its own curriculum, so use the Barrier Enderle. So or lighter? Is there any seriousness in this faculty, the university? The faculty had some credibility by the likes of Victor Barrera, but prefer to remove it for "administrative reasons". What about academic reasons do not count? Spoiled and a degree (despite the efforts and good intentions of Dolores Hernandez, Genaro Saul notes as well) and now empuercan graduate programs such actions.
UANL can not access international quality standards because it has the power "ballast", which have failed the quality tests not only inside the university but as ANUIES agencies (National Association of Universities and Institutes of Higher Education .) And one of these is the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Few teachers, like Victor Barrera, are rising on average, and what they pay? Poor
faculty. Poor college. I keep insisting that I am proud of the teachers I had, but I can not feel proud to have graduated from an institution that does not appreciate the Academy, which gives back to its good teachers and the students ninguneo.

Anesthesia And Hair Loss

to post here Write to those interested in posting and I authorize you hear half-bottle, but that's the blog-roll as soon as I can.

Acute Hiv Infection More Than 90 Days ?

Chronicle bad news (somehow always expected in the FFyL)

This blog is being created to gather all documents have been produced from the unjustifiable cancellation the chair of Víctor Barrera Enderle, who until last September 19 taught the art "Theoretical perspectives of literature today" in the Graduate School of Arts. Displays of affection and solidarity have been immediate with Victor but it's worth noting that behind these demonstrations is also a report by the long agony that has been suffering the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Then the documents that express a lot better these allegations.

Best 1970's Stereo Receivers

De Efren Sandoval Saucedo

Víctor my sympathy as a friend and companion. A call to spend all the rumors, the moods and actions disappoint. (For those who do not know, Professor of Victor Barrera was suspended at mid-semester for reasons 'budget', to give input to a chip professor of Ma Rosa Gutierrez, full professor. Victor path, even with his age, is another example of the prevalence of cronyism on the academy.).
The generation that now rules in the faculty has the same origin: the normal, that scourge that now holds the education of this country in shame and actively participating in the political immorality "democratic" country. That generation was not created in the environment of the academy, he never found the opportunity or the need to write a scientific paper, to do research, to upgrade, to do a PhD. Just managed to gain space by crony relations. This generation looks askance at anyone who threatens his poor intellectually know. Therefore, many or almost all scholars and prominent humanists or slightly prominent in the city, outside the school. Why people like Mario Cerutti, Veronica Sieglin, Maria de los Angeles Pozas, Esther Gutierrez and Victor Zúñiga (and now Victor Barrera) work in other areas and not within the FFyL. And there are other (Tere Celestino, Ma Elena Tovar, Lylian Palacios, and many others who are out for reasons not only economic but also political). Instead, it opens the space for those students who beg posts, and once they graduate, they become brand new teachers without being asked anything but be a faithful dog.

This generation of normality, was shocked to discover that they could move from textbooks to academic texts, literary, scientific. Was shocked to discover that I knew a little more than their students. He settled in the place of the teacher who thinks he knows a lot because he knows more than children who instructs. That generation has met with Brown syndrome that is bleached, the Indian who is mestizo or Creole, and who loses Like the ability to recognize others, who gave his life for safeguarding a false power. Hence the hatred and fear of anyone who is truly academic, scientific or humanistic.

Despite all its problems, Philosophy and Literature gave us the ability, I think, to feel part of a community while institutionally and not belong to her. We take this feeling to act. The reality of power is further evidence that the discourses of diversity and the realization of macro cultural events are empty ideas and actions. It occurs to me that in the context of the Forum, a crisis in the Faculty of Arts University of the city or the state headquarters of the Forum could call our attention. Those who govern today

School and even the authorities of the UANL, that this advantage is almost imperceptible, that almost nobody cares what happens there. I think we have to show us why it's important what happens there. I propose to move the pot, raise money and pay inserts in newspapers, where we make public our discomfort. Where we bring the faculty of the dark, where do you look at it. I'm not thinking in the North, although very bad at least serves to hit, but in other national media and maybe use as Carmen Aristegui communicators to make noise what would you think the media covering the Forum notes FFyL on a crisis?. The idea is to be embarrassed the authorities of the Faculty, they have to come forward, they have to invent excuses and thereby prove their mediocrity. Another idea would be to pay insertions in intellectual and academic journals.

This would warrant the involvement of several to build a text. A text with names. Come making agreements. Whoever wants to GET WITH reply to this message.

Coach Buses With Power Outlets

always believed that the school where I stayed for over 4 years (History) was the most worn of FFyL, now I know that all power is undone.

For political and unfair to the teacher ran Victor Barrera Enderle.

mediocrity is preferred against the formation of humanists, catedrátic @ s, @ s cultural promoter, writer @ s, @ s researcher, etc. Has been chosen to minimize the plant trained teachers to impart quality materials. You can hire newly graduated students (and not that it is wrong that my colleagues are working, but what it means not pay attention to individual academic growth of individuals who will teach a class, and worse, those who receive them!).

I say no more and I hope that more voices rise up against what happened Victor Barrera.

. Alejandra.

Find A Job In A Strip Club Cocktail Waitress

Of Ale Beto Barrera

Les forwarding the text written by the Maestro. Genaro Saul Reyes not only because the person concerned in this case it was my brother but because it is already amazing what happens in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at UANL. Mediocrity-I recognize it has always prevailed-has worsened to alarming extremes. The lack of researchers is led to his downfall.
A university that fails to meet its commitment to create knowledge that will benefit society is worthless and only enough to know the plant teachers of the schools that make up this power for things that we know inadmissible.
The If I know best is the College of History, of which I myself I graduated in June 2000. With the honorable exception of Maestro. Miguel González Quiroga and a couple of young teachers, the rest does not investigate or publish anything. That is, their chairs are a sad repetition from generation to generation. At any university in the world is given a chair to someone after a competition in college thing does not happen. The same teacher is able to teach courses as diverse as prehistoric times, Mexican Historiography and Economic Theory. And the surprising thing is that we do not see the outcome of their dialogue (with their students, with previous literature) in any publication. History
's career (and something similar happens in Sociology, Philosophy and Literature) does not prepare someone to be a researcher, let alone motivated him to be. Be instructed and motivated to be a researcher in history becomes even more complicated when those who teach can hardly keep up in their disciplines to master even a second language. No one put the sample because researchers there had few have gone as was the case with Mario Cerutti and Veronika Sieglin. The School of History does nothing to cool the already serious historiographical aridity that characterizes our state. The same could be said of other colleges.
trend the apathy of the investigation is continuing and the case of Victor Barrera is the straw that broke the camel. Despite his young age, his resume as a researcher and literary critic already endorsed him as a renowned researcher. Free Victor has not won national literary criticism, has been judge of prestigious international awards such as Casa de las Americas in Cuba and research fellow of the American Institute in Berlin. His works have earned him make a name in its field in Mexico and South America.
Remove it from his chair, a month and a half has started, with the excuse that they only hire teachers with a plan is ridiculous and shows the preponderance of political commitment on the academic quality. We hope that soon the highest university authorities do something to improve the academic level of the Faculty.

Alberto Barrera Enderle

Best Canon Paparazzo Lens

De Genaro Saul Reyes

It is truly unfortunate the situation that happened Víctor Barrera Enderle, but it is not surprising in a Faculty that for 10-10-year-old was snatched by the Academy in that time director (or perhaps one should say dictator) Nicolas Duarte Ortega, and now continues with those who are leading it, who were part of that Duarte.

Many signs exist of how the Academy is the least interested who are now in charge of the Faculty, with exceptions, of course, among which we must mention the Coordinator of the Mexican College of Letters, Dolores Hernandez, who seems to be the only one concerned by the Academy, but it seems to rowing against the wind in an environment that is totally denied as academic progress, where it matters most to support the football players that students with high academic standards, a power called humanist and confusing the term with benevolence and to demonstrate Humanism is dedicated to collecting food and toys for Caritas (which is not negative in any way, but it is unfortunate that the call is in favor of humanism, meaning unknown concept that governs the College of which is director)

no wonder that whoever is supplied to Victor Barrera Gutiérrez Rosa Ma. It is not the first time this teacher acts as a scab, it will be recalled that served as scabbing to cast out of the Faculty Erika Angel. It seems that history repeats itself.

The struggle for the academy in the Faculty of Arts is completely sold out for 10 years. At the highest authorities of the Faculty not interested in the Academy, and if there is an account of teachers who have left the faculty (more than they have been dismissed) from the period of Nicholas Duarte is a truly amazed.

It is this struggle that exhausted me and forced me to retire from the month of August. Definitely the Faculty of Arts is currently not the place to perform academically despite the efforts of some teachers (very few and, of course).

Genaro Saul Reyes Calderón