Thursday, September 27, 2007

How Can I Cover My Pigmentation With Makeup

De Jesus Rodriguez De Olveda

is outrageous that the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters go through those moments. Victor shared with years of college, those were good times. Capacity is intellectual, moral integrity and his commitment to the academy.

Like Vidal, Gaby, Mario, Efren, Genaro and Alexandra, friends all, I sympathize with my friend Victor and outside my repudiation of a Faculty of Philosophy Lyrics corrupted, where authoritarianism reigns and the academy no longer exists .

Year after year we have seen how far excellent teachers, scholars and researchers recognized for their merits in the national and international level. Many of them emerged from the FFyL (OUR SCHOOL).

All FFyL colleges have suffered the loss of excellent teachers. The case of Victor is not an isolated case, is part of a chain for each day it gets longer and longer and the proximity to today makes us aware.

institutions are currently experiencing a process of change, where old power figures are threatened by the new generations, more prepared and with a greater social commitment. Every injustice happens like that Victor is suffering, affect us all, all academic and cultural community. It is time that the rectory put a stop to these injustices. Let expresnadonos


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