Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What The Best Tv System For A Motorhome

The cause is of all

When I heard what they did to Victor first thing that came to mind was in solidarity with their cause, because it is somehow the cause of all.

Not only is the first time at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León happen this kind of intransigence, the same scene is repeated in other faculties, such as the Performing Arts, where some of his best teachers have dismissed without giving them no thanks: Dardo Aguirre, Marcos Barbosa, to name a few and this when he was director Rogelio Villarreal or at least sent from outside the head in turn, now is secretary of Extension and Culture.

FFyL I did not study in, but I am university alumni and I think, for the sake of our greatest house of studies, we have a duty to put on the table public such irregularities affecting the bulk of the population Monterrey. Quality education should not be subject to administrative or political criteria, but purely academic, unless they want to stifle a decisive role in creating ideas, research and new imaginings.
The current directors of the UANL seem to go against the whole posing education "University", that is, permit the discussion of ideas, require high academic standards and to train researchers.
The University has become the backyard of a powerful mafia which those less interested in quality education. Just one example: The academic program la Fac. de Artes Escénicas da pena, no tiene ni siquiera una sola materia en investigación teatral, no hay investigadores, salvo Elvira Popova. Tampoco hay una cátedra en el área de dramaturgia. El nivel educativo está por los suelos o en debacle, solo basta comparar, (aunque las comparaciones son odiosas) los programas de las Facultades de Teatro de la Universidad de Jalapa y la UNAM, para darnos cuenta.

La universidad no nos está preparando como debería, yo no se si esta incapacidad sea únicamente en el área de humanidades, pero estoy seguro que se debe, entre otras cosas, a los directivos, a su incapacidad, ignorancia o simplemente a sus intereses personales, que ponen por encima de los intereses the same university. Such acts, as perpetrated against Victor Barrera, injured the credibility of our highest seat of learning.

so I agree to talk the decision makers, to clarify their drivel, you are accountable to the community.
Why take the best teachers and researchers seems to be one of the guidelines of the current administration of the UANL?
are dedicated not only to remove from their classrooms to the best academics, but also to downplay the debate of ideas, eg: all book launches University Cultural Center, directed by Rogelio Villarreal at the end of the readings have disappeared by decree the question and answer session, ie, dialogue, exchange of ideas. It seems that University leaders believe only in the unilateral decisions and intransigence. Is questionable, in that I agree with Ephraim, under the Universal Forum of Cultures, regarding the promotion of dialogues, to expose their ineptitude, low sort.


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